Key Takeaways
Market economies utilize private ownership of the means of production and voluntary exchanges/contracts. In a command economy, governments own the factors of production such as land, capital, and resources. In reality, all economies blend aspects of the two.
D. Primatology helps anthropologists decipher and untangle the origin of culture.
Jane Goodall is among the pioneers to research wild chimpanzee behavior in their native habitats. She began work in the Gombe Reserve (Tanzania) in the 1960s at the invitation of famed paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey, who wanted to find living models of social behavior that would help him think about the material he found at the African sites where he worked. One of Goodall's peculiarities was his lack of specialized academic training early in his career. Leakey was looking for someone who was very interested, but did not have the academic vices of psychology or biology. This configuration provided surprising discoveries about our close relatives, who revolutionized primatology and tended to profoundly affect anthropology.
With Goodall's research, it was possible to realize that primatology could help to decipher and unravel the origin of some cultures. For example, the "chimpanzee wars" recorded by Jane Goodall (1988) in Gombe became paradigmatic and were adopted as parameters for discussions of intra and extragroup conflicts based on the influence of evolutionary factors and social dynamics related to behaviors that result in serious injury or death. Goodall records with sadness and despair the split of a group from the refusal of some to accept the new alpha male. Then two groups of individuals are formed that know each other and in many cases are related. The researcher narrates the organization of armed patrols with clubs by the largest and original group that now patrols the borders of their territory in an Indian queue, and kills any dissident group members she encounters until no one is left.
In anthropological terms, primatology explains that the phenomena associated with the feeling of belonging to a certain group associated with the incorporation of the worldview of that same group, via socialization, is called ethnocentrism. Strangeness and even revulsion and the initiative for direct confrontation between human groups are also associated with ethnocentrism.
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<span>Testing for intelligence at multiple ages at one point in time is cross-sectional research. The goal of this type of research is to provide data on the whole population under study. This type of study is less costly than other forms of study.</span>
Yes, socialization is segregation based on informal norms.