BX will hold 6444 in hex format.
From the given information:
We need to understand that AX is 64-bit hex number.
When performing ASM instruction (Assembly language instruction),
The addition of 2111 + 4333 = 6444 will be in BX.
This is because ADD, BX, AX will add bx and ax; and the final outcome will be stored in BX.
BX will hold 6444 in hex format.
oDI 5200.48 implements the DOD CUI program as required by EO 13556
Following are the expression in the Java language
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) // Main method
boolean young= true; // variable declaration
boolean famous= true;// variable declaration
if(young && famous) // check the condition
System.out.println("You must be rich " );// display message
You must be rich
Following are the description of the above statement
- Declared a variable "young " of the boolean type that is initialized with the "true" value.
- Declared a variable "famous " of the boolean type that is initialized with the "true" value.
- Check the condition of if() block.If the condition is true then it executed the condition inside the if block.
- Finally ,print the message "You must be rich!"