Females usually have smaller foot prints and they usually step in a pigeon toed manner with a smaller stride. However males, usually walks with a straightforward foot or quite tilted outwards. This is how to differentiate strides of men from women. Stride is defined as to walk long though extending steps. Women also walks gracefully they tend to walk femininely by swinging they hips and walking with short steps. In contrast, men's hip is quite stiffed when walking and takes longer steps when walking.
Sea caves
Sea caves is a land form that is formed in a cliff by the action of wave of the ocean or lakes. It is called littoral cave and mainly formed by wave action of a sea which involved the process of mechanical erosion and occur in clogged coast where there is break in the wave or wave action.
asteroids belt
The asteroid belt is a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, located roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars
<h2>K+ movement will be closed or blocked because the outside is more positive charged and K+ is a positive particle.</h2>
Resting potential of a neuron cell is a type of condition in which the neuron lives in rest that means there is no transmission of the impulse takes place. Such type of the condition occurs due to more negative charges inside the cell and more positive charges outside the cell. During this condition potassium ions are in higher condition inside the neuron and the concentration of sodium ions are high at outside of the neuron.
Answer:SECONDARY SUCCESSION Explanation:Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession.An example of Secondary Succession by stages:
1. An area of growth.
2. A disturbance, such as a fire, starts.
3. The fire destroys the vegetation.
4. The fire leaves behind empty, but not destroyed soil.
5. Grasses and other herbaceous plants grow back first.
6. Small bushes and trees begin to colonize the public area.
7. Fast-growing evergreen trees and bamboo trees develop to their fullest, while shade-tolerant trees develop in the understory.
8. The short-lived and shade-intolerant evergreen trees die as the larger deciduous trees overtop them. The ecosystem is now back to a similar state to where it began.
(Hope this helps)