The main difference is in length. Short stories generally range anywhere from 1,500 to 30,000 words whereas novels start from about 50,000 words.
A short story has one main character and the story is told from that character's point of view, mainly first person. A novel has a cast of characters and the story can be told from any of those characters' viewpoints.
Answer is C. Wrtiers use characters to reveal a theme more often in a play than in a poem.
In plays, there are many tools that authors dispose to express theme. The easiest way to do it is through the use of characterization, in which the author can convey his message. On the other hand, poets employ poetic devices and elements like imagery and symbolism to express themes in their poetry.
Framton believes that Mrs. Stapleton's husband and family are dead, while Mrs. Stapleton speaks as though they are alive; this builds tension.
The main ideas shaping US imperialism were "Manifest destiny" and the "White man's burden". Manifest destiny refers to the 19th century belief that the United States were meant to expand across North America because of the particular excellence of its (white) people and (democratic) institutions. This lead to the Trail of Tears, among other atrocities. Once the US reached the Pacific Ocean, new lands came into view (Puerto Rico, the Phillipines). Manifest destiny became entwined with the idea that "civilized" nations had a moral obligation to colonize other peoples, which Rudyard Kipling summed up in his poem "White Man's Burden". The tensions in this "benevolent imperialism" were never fully resolved; the US invasion of Irak was launched under similar pretenses (the invasion was "for the good" of those invaded). The idea that other peoples have a right to self determination regardless of their level of development has not yet become accepted by the great powers, including the US.
When making an inference, it’s important to separate fact from opinion - an inference is, after all, based on evidence and reasoning.