C a large central building that stored again
could some one help me with my question
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania cannot really trust Russia (the leader of the Commonwealth of Independent States) as Russia forcibly made those states part of the Soviet Union and and did allow for democracy there. That's why they don't want to be part of CIS. They can afford not to be due to their location in Europe, next to western Europe, so then can claim help from western Europe in case of Russian Invasion (unlike Kazakhstan for example).
I think that her paintings changed alot over time. She first began to do self portraits after her first accident. It showed the way she felt on the inside. Frida progressed to do more graphic paintings. She was one of the first to actually paint such things that many would not consider anywhere near approporiate in this time frame. I think Frida was very confident with who she was and what she did. Frida went through of ton of things in her short life.