1- yes!!!!1
2-<span>A niche is an organism's role in a community. </span>
<span>What it eats, Where it eats, When it eats, and its job in that environment.
3-</span><span>The classic example of adaptations is the finches living in the Galapagos Islands.</span>
Seams like a simple answer but Britain
The patriots wanted freedom from Britain because of the unruly acts they they were imposing on them.
Create realistic goals everyday, short and long term (i.e. waking up earlier by easing yourself into it, 30 minutes earlier one week, 1 hour earlier the next, etc.)
Find small ways to incorporate time and energy into said goal (want to be a better artist? draw your notes into pictures or think about how your day went and draw the most interesting that happened.)
Ask what makes you motivated to complete goals and utilize half of your energy into goal (don't use all of your energy unless you have the time or ability because you don't want to burn out too quickly.)
Polytheism is the worship of or belief in multiple deities, which are usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religious sects and rituals. Polytheism is a type of theism.
English - Hey, so I'm starting a little business. I'm going to be customizing shoes. If you want a pair of shoes please tell me. I will be putting another post with photos of shoes I've customized.
Spanish - Oye, estoy comenzando un pequeño negocio. Voy a personalizar zapatos. Si quieres un par de zapatos, dímelo. Estaré poniendo otra publicación con fotos de zapatos que he personalizado.
Insta account and website in progess