How did the Hundred Years' War affect standing armies? It increased their power. ... Advanced weapons led to a stronger aristocracy and weaker armies. Advanced weapons led to stronger armies and weaker monarchies.
Philosophically,i would say that people may say they trust somebody completely or with all their heart, but their brain may still have restraints or concerns on the truth of telling somebody, even if they are the most trustworthy person you may know. However, trust is also non-materialistic so it is up to you to decide you trust anybody 'completely'
During the American Civil War, the north and the southern armies had different goals, the Union at the beginning wanted to reunite the country, but later the goal changed to include the abolition of slavery. The Confederacy had a different goal, wanted to incorporate all slave states and secede from the Union.
To win the war the Union had to capture the Confederate territory and the Confederate just wanted to defend its territory.
After the capture of Port Royal, the Union noticed that it would be effective to make an economic pressure into the Confederates and establish a US military depot on the southeastern coast to carry out land and sea operations.
After the win of the Port Royal battle by the Union, the Confederates noticed that the coastline was too big to defend so the Confederates concentrated the defenses further inland, nearer the coastal railroads in the hope that reinforcements could be rushed to any danger point in time to prevent its capture.
South Asia, Australia, Europe, the Americas.
Answer:The introduction of new crops and the decimation of the native population in the New World led to the capture and enslavement of many African people.