Answer: Wetus were used during the summer and warmer seasons. They were built near the wooded coast where cool breezes came off the ocean and the people ...
Sans-culottes a visible group of people by the end of nineteenth century, who was said to have played a huge part in the French revolution of 1789.
The name sans-culottes was associated with their clothing at that time and they are made of working class people who either had their own business or worked as laborers that earned wages.
They never liked the breeches won by the people of upper or middle class persons, they rather said that there should not be any form of discrimination based on clothing.
sorry I don't understand.I Translated what you said but It doesn't make sense.
This quote supports separation of powers as the point of the separation of powers is to prevent the abuse of power. Instead of having all 3 powers gathered around just one entity, the power is separated to build a system of checks and balances. It also supports the limited government principle in the same manner. Government's power should be limited so as to prevent its abuse.