Caesar's bad traits were really a matter of perception. He achieved much success as a military leader who consolidated power and defeated enemies which led to amassing large amounts of foreign territory. He was very unpopular with the aristocrats of his time due to a number of his policies. He favor the poor and that angered the wealthy in his land. He also was suspected of aiming to become King of Rome due to his massive amount of power, this was not supported by the political system or the people of his time. He also had no fear of violence, even on massive scales. He committed many massacres on people, some in other lands, some who he promised retribution to due to being held captive as a child.
I guess it would be easier for us to define the disadvanatges if you tell us about the technologies you want to mention. For example, it is hard to think of technology and nature together but even advances like Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could not be further removed from the natural world are helping conservation efforts. Well, at least I tried to answer your question. More help you can get if you check the tips at Prime Writings site. Good luck with it!
Chaucer uses a lot of Irony in his small story's.
A. Scams and Swindles
Scams and Swindles should be in quotes because answer b only states the name of one out of two chapters. Both chapters would have to be in the same format, so this rules out answer B.