- All variable names must begin with a letter of the alphabet or an. underscore( _ ).
-After the first initial letter, variable names can also contain letters and numbers.
-Uppercase characters are distinct from lowercase characters.
-You cannot use a C++ keyword as a variable name.
The correct options are
- Bare metal and hosted
- Memory and operating system based Virtual and physicality
There are two types of hypervisors:
Type 1 hypervisor are those hypervisors that run directly on the system hardware such as a “bare metal” embedded hypervisor,
Type 2 hypervisor is the kind of hypervisors that runs on a host operating system that provides virtualization services, such as I/O device support and memory management.
Answer: False
Web designers are not using programming languages to write websites.
the reason HTML seems to work even if it has syntax errors is due to browser having built in ways to parse the code meaning it will still show but most likely look way different then you would want.
the code may turn pink due to syntax errors
If you mean the search for a phrase or word function on a page,
Left Ctrl + F