C. they are always heritable. b. they are inly heritable in gametes
The correct answer is A.
The use of antibacterial drugs can cause modifications in the genetic material of the concerned bacteria. If the genetic material of the bacteria are modify, that means they have undergone mutation. Because the base sequence of the normal and that of the mutated gene is different, antibiotic will not be able to recognize the bacteria again and thus will not be able to attack it.
Its called the convolution
also known as the Gyrification of the brain, it increase the brain surface area , allowing more neuron capacitiy to process information
its located in cerebral cortex and become a place where our brains store our memories.
A concentration gradient occurs when the concentration of particles is higher in one area than another. In passive transport, particles will diffuse down a concentration gradient, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration, until they are evenly spaced.
well hope this help at least (good night)
D. Sistema reproductor.
La excreción es el proceso de eliminar los desechos y el exceso de agua del cuerpo. Estos desechos pueden ser dañinos y pueden causar daños.
Los órganos responsables de la excreción son el riñón, los pulmones, la piel, el hígado y el intestino grueso.
La piel elimina el sudor, el exceso de agua y las sales a través de las glándulas sudoríparas.
El sistema urinario está formado por riñón, uréteres, vejiga y uretra. El riñón elimina el exceso de agua y sal al producir orina que luego se transporta con la ayuda de los uréteres, la vejiga y la uretra.
En el sistema respiratorio, los pulmones excretan sustancias gaseosas, como dióxido de carbono y agua.