Whenever you have insurance on a car, your home, or even your life you always feel protected. Say if you get into a car accident, your insurance will help pay for the damage. Or if your house is damaged by a bad storm or even if you get hurt your insurance will be there to help provide you with the help you need. Insurance can be expensive to get Initially but it is definitely worth the cost
A right triangle has two shorter sides, or legs, and the longest side, opposite the right angle, which is always called the hypotenuse. ... The other leg in the right triangle is then called the adjacent side.
Hoping it helps!
Step-by-step explanation:
Big Brain Dude <:
Three hundred forty eight thousand five hundred.
Hope this helps!
Step-by-step explanation:
Length or ribbon = Circumference of the circle
C = 2πr
C = 2π(3.5)
C = 21.99