a.) Some <span>bacterial </span><span>infections could be treated with antibiotics, while </span><span>viral </span>infections can't,
<span> b.) </span><span>Viruses </span><span>reproduce by replacing a cell's genetic information with its own, </span><span>bacteria </span>reproduces by binary fission,
<span> c.) </span><span>Bacteria </span><span>are considered a living organism, </span><span>viruses </span>aren't considered a living organism,
<span> d.) Most </span><span>viral </span><span>infections are harmful, most </span><span>bacterial </span>infections aren't harmful,
<span> e.) </span><span>Bacteria </span><span>has both DNA and RNA, while </span><span>viruses </span><span>have either DNA </span>or<span> RNA, but </span><span>NOT </span><span>both.</span>
Managers are often called supervisers because they watch employees that don't hold managerial spot that has a certain job activity
“ The nose- Warms and moisten air. The nasal cavities are involved in the resonance of tones.
The oral cavity- Includes the lips, teeth, and tongue. The structures serve as articulators.
The pharynx and the oral cavity- Both act as resonators that selectively amplify to varying degrees of intensity, fundamental tones and overtones.
The larynx- An organ consisting of a cartilaginous framework containing muscles and joints. The vibratile part of the larynx are the vocal folds which are the producers of sound.
The Lungs- They supply a stream of air which passes through the trachea.
The vocal folds- They vibrate throwing the stream of air into a series of complex vibrations. (Punt, 1979 and Henderson, 1979).”
False. I don't think you can do that I think you would have to go somewhere else to provide evidence. Hope this helps:)