Answer: the tundra is important to protect is that it serves as a habitat for migratory populations, like waterfowl, shorebirds, caribou and several bear species. It is home to endangered animals such as the Arctic Fox, Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, Caribou, and Musk Ox.
The exons may be defined as the coding region of the RNA that codes for the particular amino acid. The introns are the non coding region of RNA and must be removed in the final RNA product.
Exon shuffling result in the formation of new gene. The alteration of the exon and intron structure leads to the new gene function in evolution. The genes that are favored and conserved in the evolution perform new gene function. The genes that are selected against are deleted during the evolution.
<span>Digestive enzymes are prolific inside the lysosomes. The organelle is named as such because these enzymes engage in "lysing" activity, meaning that the break up the worn-out cell parts or other wastes that the structure engulfs.</span>
So that it can protect exposed tissue, a layer of meristematic cells, cork cambium, or phellogen rises from the cortex.