Transpiration: process in which plants release water vapor into the air
Evaporation: process in which water changes to a vapor
Precipitation: water that falls from clouds toward the ground
Condensation: water vapor that cools down to form water droplets
Groundwater: flowing of rainwater downhill to form streams and rivers
Active transport
Diffusion is when particles (like perfume) spread out everywhere from an area where there is a lot of it to where there is a little to none of it. Active transport is the opposite. A cell for example would use it's own energy to absorb nutrients when it already has quite a lot. Naturally diffusion would make the particles or nutrients go out of the cell because there is a lot of it inside the cell not outside, so active transport is used to absorb as much as the cell can from around it, even when it is full.
There are four possible combinations of gametes for the AaBb parent. Half of the gametes get a dominant A and a dominant B allele; the other half of the gametes get a recessive a and a recessive b allele. Both parents produce 25% each of AB, Ab, aB, and ab.
A food web consists of many food chains, and a food chain is one path as animals find food.