Multiply 3x by every value in the second bracket. Then multiply 2 by every value in the second bracket. Add like terms. (Only answers with the same square are like terms.)
But you're already done....
Answer: The answer is F.
Step-by-step explanation: It’s F because the number would be multiplied equally because all of the number are multiplied by 2. The rest of them either have variables or variables with numbers in them, which looks kind of funky, so F is the answer. I hope you get it right :). Sorry, if I was late for the reply and if you already figured it out… :(.
Step-by-step explanation: In order to find the amount of action figures needed to complete your collection, you divide 48 by 75%. This gives us 64. The reason we divide, is because of inverse operations. If we are going to find 75% of 48, you would multiply 48 by .75. Since this is the opposite, we must divide it.
Also, I'm not quite sure what the question is requesting by asking for what 2 represents. What is the specific skill you are learning in class? Maybe that'll help us figure it out.
I hope this makes since. Let me know if you need further explanation.