Based on my knowledge, the scramble for Africa was largely because the industrial revolution was springing up all over the world in largely European countries and they were at a point where resources were running out. Gold and other valuable metals were discovered in Africa as well as timber. The surplus of resources in Africa made it very valuable to these industrial countries so they all made a huge "scramble" to Africa. Also, the idea of merchantilism, the idea that the amount of land a country owned defined its wealth, was still very popular so these countries wanted to make a huge land grab.
answer:option A
The Sumerians believed that the God were powerful and unpredictable.
I hope it helps
This is an open question.
I think public opinion plays a large role in shaping governmental policies in the United States today.
This is because mass media presence is all over the nation and their broadcasters and reporters have a strong presence in the formation of the opinion of the American people.
I have to say that not as much as 15 years ago because the credibility of these mas media slots has reduced, particularly in young people, students, and professionals in their 30s. This segment of the audience likes to be more informed and do not only believe what the news says. They like to do research on their own, listen to other opinions, and come up with their own idea.
However, the adult audience stills paying so much attention to what opinion leaders say, and basically, they follow through.
Johnson, Jr.ΨMarshall won...... hope this helps UwU
There was a separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Congress is also a bicameral legislature meaning power is split up between two houses.