Nothing socialism is hell!
The answer is 32.69$.
The Sale price of sweater was $28.93, to add 13% HST we need to multiply 28.93 by 13 % & add 28.93 to it.
Holding period return = 14.49%, Standard Deviation = 11.08 approx
Eco Scenario Dividend Stock Price HPR Prob Expected HPR
Boom 3 60 26 0.33 8.58
Normal 1.2 58 18.4 0.33 6.072
Recession 0.75 49 (0.5) 0.33 <u> (0.165)</u>
Expected HPR 14.49%
<u>Calculation Of Standard Deviation</u>
(A) (B) (A) - (B)
Given return Exp return d p
60 50 3 26 14.49 11.51 0.33 43.718
58 50 1.2 18.4 14.49 3.91 0.33 5.045
49 50 0.75 (0.5) 14.49 14.99 0.33 <u> 74.15</u>
Total = 122.91
wherein, d = deviation
p = probability
Standard Deviation = = = 11.08
<u>Working Note</u>:
Holding period return =
Boom = = 26%
Similarly, for normal = = 18.4%
Recession = = (0.5)%
figure in bracket indicates negative return
The national labor relation act is the act formed by the government to protect right of employers and the employees.
The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 is a primary rule of United States work law which ensures the privilege of private part employees to sort out into worker's guilds, participate in aggregate haggling, and make aggregate move, for example, strikes.
Congress sanctioned the National Labor Relations Act ("NLRA") in 1935 to secure the privileges of representatives and bosses, to energize aggregate dealing, and to shorten certain private area work and the executives rehearses, which can hurt the general government assistance of laborers, organizations and the U.S. economy.