Edit your profile, click preferences, and then there should be a drop down that has your level on it which you can change.
ketchup because all of the others are objects with certain creative functions but ketchup is just K e t c h u p.
Answer: True
Explanation: yes, it is true that egrep can accept multiple filenames as input arguments for example egrep -r "text1/text2", so this will search in all the sub directories . E grep is also known as 'grep -E' which belongs to the group of grep function and we used egrep to separate multiple patterns for OR conditions. This is also very less time consuming if you are going to search multiple input arguments in multiple different logs at the same time.
A man mad stalemate is a probe it just has a different use.
// Variable Definitions
int a=67;
float b=78.8797;
For creating a single line comment we use // slash. It is used for making the comment in the program. In this we made a comment with help of // after that we create a two variable i.e a and b of integer and float type.