strengths are it's simple and easily understood and limitations is that it cant maintain simplicity if it's more descriptive
b) Bioremediation
The use of natural occuring or intentionally introduced micoorganisms to treat environmental pollutants is called as Bioremediation.
- Most of the bioremediation processes includes oxidation-reduction reaction.
- The natural degradation process of pollutants is improved by bioremediation.
- Green plant, Decomposers and their enzymes are used in bioremediation to imrprove the condition of the environment.
This difference indicates that the results are precise but not accurate
Precise results are those that are very close to the actual result, but do not achieve exactly the same result. In addition, this difference between the precise results is exactly the same. We have an example of this in the case shown in the figure above, where the blood pressure readings measured by the cuff differ by 15 points for each reading. This case also shows us that the results are not accurate, because this type of result is one that shows a result exactly the same as the real one.
Because the biodiversity decreases.
An ecosystem is richer when it has a higher biodiversity, remember that each living thing has an specific role in the food web. When in an ecosystem this web is bigger, increases the probability of sustain a living thing. For example, in the sea, if there is a fish, this is going to be more probabilities of survive if this fish can eat different plants or other fish. But if in the ecosystem there are not a variety of them, it probability to survive is less if one of it food desapear.
Well, I know 4 is A and 5 is D.