Hello there!
Here you have the answers and some additional information.
1B. Circumcision: A token of the covenant God made with Abraham. This was encouraged upon the biblical Abraham, his descendants, and their slaves by God as a sign of "<em>everlasting covenant</em>" that appeared on <em>Genesis 17:13</em>.
2A. Passover: A feast instituted by God in Israel. This is the most important Jewish festival which celebrates the Israelites' liberation from the Egyptians, which lasts from seven to eight days.
3D. Talmud: A collection of writings consisting of Jewish traditions and oral rabbinical commentaries and decisions. This is the central text of the Jews and its religious laws and theology.
4E. Reconnaissance: A preliminary examination or survey, especially for a military operation. In a military context, this is the exploration outside an area to gain information.
5C. Manna: Food that God specially provided Israel during their journeys from Egypt to Canaan. In Christian contexts, this is seen as a spiritual nourishment.