Meredith is an <u>independent contractor</u>, this is the case because she sets owns her schedule and is paid on the submission of a monthly invoice
The people of Earth face many problems
Struggling just to live and maintain peace.
There's differences in language, faith and race
With misguided hated unwilling to cease.
To solve these problems that plague mankind
We must strive as never before.
Demanding justice with truth in settling disputes
While recalling the loss and heartbreak of war.
War is an emotional release for man
Practiced since the first stones were cast.
Could it be nature's way of thinning the numbers
As the fallen are consumed by the past.
Some have asked why must we study history
It just encourages us to live in the past.
When we forget God and submit to whatever
The sorrows of our sins forever last.
It can be disastrous or beneficial
If we look at a country such as China we can see how this works.
After Mao's death economic reforms were put in place to transform and modernize the Chinese economy. However parallel political reforms were not introduced.
This meant that the Chinese political elite, those in senior positions in the communist party, controlled the transformation of an economy where at the time, 1 in 5 of the world's population lived.
This gave them the potential, through corrupt practices, to amass vast fortunes. In this way corruption was extremely beneficial both financially and in gaining promotion through being part of a corrupt system.
However set against this was the periodic need, by the Chinese Communist party to be seen to be tackling this problem. If you happened to be an official caught up in such anti-corruption waves then it could mean stripped of all assets, imprisonment or even execution.
might not like it
might be out of proportion