The correct answer is It will provide positive regards and display empathy and understanding towards the client.
Carl Rogers developed what woulde be known as Person-centered therapy which pointed towards developing the clients self-actualizing tendency which is described by Rogers as "an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment". Rogers asserts that an effective psychoterapist in order to facilitate the person the desired self actualizing result the psychotherapist must have some core conditions which included the display of empathy and unconditional positive regards as well as cuengruence.
Hunter gatherers had to move from place to place to ensure that their supply of food is not diminished. By moving from place to place they took advantage of the local flora and fauna which needed time to replenish its resources.
Best I can do : )
Answer: use two or three search tools.
use bookmarks
Explanation: When utilizing search engines, it is imperative to understand the layout for better results. The use of bookmarks, will keep track of favourite sites and using different search tools to be able to compare search results.
the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
The Federal Government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose power is vested by the U.S Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively.