The pater familias, also written as paterfamilias (plural patres familias), was the head of a Roman family. The paterfamilias was the oldest living male in a household, and exercised autocratic authority over his extended family. The term is Latin for "father of the family" or the "owner of the family estate".
The third part of the Declaration of Independence
announcing that the colonies are now an independent nation, the United States of Americathe third section is the complaints against the king
Japan, Korea, and also possibly Mongolia.
I’m assuming D cuz it’s the 1800s
Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or bought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.