British mathematician William Bourne made some of the earliest known plans for a submarine around 1578, but the world’s first working prototype was built in the 17th century by Cornelius Drebbel, a Dutch polymath and inventor in the employ of the British King James I. Drebbel’s sub was probably a modified rowboat coated in greased leather and manned by a team of oarsmen. Sometime around 1620, he used it to dive 15 feet beneath the River Thames during a demonstration witnessed by King James and thousands of astonished Londoners. Unfortunately, none of Drebbel’s plans or engineering drawings has survived to today, so historians can only guess about how his “diving boat” actually operated. Some accounts say it submerged via a collection of bladders or wooden ballast tanks, while others suggest that a sloping bow and a system of weights were used to propel the boat underwater when it was rowed at full speed.
<em>Class conflict started the revolution</em>
Large gaps between the rich and the poor in addition to extremely high taxes contributed to the French Revolution.
The excessive spending of the monarchy on wars and expansion of luxuries caused large deficits. To fix this problem, taxes were increased but the Church and high level lords did not pay taxes. Therefore the lowest classes were burdened with high taxes. The differences between the classes caused unrest and eventually revolution.
The Battle of Saratoga
The battle of Saratoga which was fought on September 19 and October 7, 1777, in which Americans came off victorious is evidence that the Americans were better fighters than the British. In that battle, British forces led by General John Burgoyne advanced towards the American forces in New York City moving Southward, with the hope that some other forces were marching Northward and Eastward to join him in the battle.
That was not to happen as the American forces who were not as experienced as the British forces trapped the General and his military men and this eventually resulted in their surrender on October 17, 1777.
In 1934 the Communists suffered huge losses against the nationalists in the Chinese Civil War. Faced with the prospect of annhilation the leaders of the Comunist army shose to start what is now called the Long March. This was a tactic of withdrawal into mountainous areas, some 2500 miles to the north and west. The purpose was simple: survival. By undertaking a tactical withdrawal the Communists could ensure that they still had an effective fighting force; could select easy to defend locations; could regroup and could ensure that the Nationalists supply lines were long and susceptible to attacks.
D. Kent State University
Many American citizens showed their protest in public regarding the Vietnam War. People march to Washington to display their antiwar rally against the government judgment to enter into war. The 1970 students were shot down by National Guardsmen during protests. Many students from colleges protested against the Vietnam War on the basis that the US had no concern about fighting in Asia. Kent State University became a significant place for students to protest against the Vietnam War.