2. we use a clock (to tell) time.
3. you use this switch (to turn on) the computer.
4. emily needs a mobile phone (to call) her friends.
5. A fridge is useful (to keep) food cool.
6.Paula has a CD player (to listen) to her favourite music on the train to work .
7. Carlos went to university (to study) computer science.
8.My brother is saving all his money (to buy) the latest computer game.
Because Oedipus is very impulsive
Uncle Pytor probaly had a really bad experience on the jouney to his new home. How he differs from the immigrants is that his journey may of been more painful and more dangerous.
antithesis- a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
bookends- a support for the end of a row of books to keep them upright, often one of a pair.
unimportant- lacking in importance or significance
antagonists- a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary