The correct answer is option c.
Forlornistan is experiencing an economic downturn, the GDP has steadily declined, the employment rate is very low and the CPI is falling.
All these characteristics show that the economy is going through economic depression.
Depression refers to the situation in which an economy suffers a downturn in economic activities. It involves decrease in output level, price and employment rate.
The correct option is A
In order to reduce the bad feelings which are linked with the negative messages, one must make sure that the receiver knows the reason for the rejection and feels the news was sensitive and also believes that the matter was handled carefully and fairly.
A negative message which is insincere could be irritating, maddening and frustrating to the receiver. So, the message should not lead the reader to trust or believe.
The risks of foreign outsourcing is that they could stop trading with you.
Definition of polycentric
: having more than one center (as of development or control): such as. a : having several centromeres polycentric chromosomes.
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