Wash your hands often. ...
Get vaccinated. ...
Use antibiotics sensibly. ...
Stay at home if you have signs and symptoms of an infection. ...
Be smart about food preparation. ...
Disinfect the 'hot zones' in your residence. ...
Practice safer sex. ...
Don't share personal items.
Heart attacks happen suddenly when one of the arteries leading to the heart becomes blocked and cuts off the blood flow. Without oxygen, the heart muscles start to die.
Heart failure, on the other hand, usually develops gradually. The heart muscle becomes weaker and has trouble pumping blood to nourish the cells in your body. This is a chronic condition that gradually gets worse. But medications can help you live longer and better with it
Answer: slightly cooler than
The testes are the male gonads. These are found in a loose pouch which is called as the scrotum behind the penis. The testes are responsible for production and storage of sperms which are the male gametes, and fluids which makes up the composition of the semen in males. The testes being the sperm factor functions efficiently when the temperature of the scrotum is slightly cooler than the rest of the body.
Answer: The answer is <u>C; left pons</u>.
The patient presents with the symptoms that are common with dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome. This is one of the lacunar stroke syndromes where dysarthria is common. A x-ray or other imaging would reveal lesions in the contralateral pons.