Kind of clothing: Tight tops, fitted over a long or short sleeved blouse. The more successful the merchant is, the more detailed and ornamented the blouse is.
education: woman in the higher class were able to get an education, but only on how to act like a lady, nothing about academics. Otherwise, they had to learn by themselves.
people to know: that depends
recent invention: printing press, because it gave woman the chance to learn new things by books instead of experience.
book: Bible, since the catholic religion was very huge back then
favorite music: O Rosa Bella
favorite composer: Poor Clares, a famous group of nuns that made music during the renaissance.
People might be racist because they don’t feel comfortable around another race because they have never talked to someone of that origin so instead of trying to come up with a conversation they find it easier to make fun of them. I think racism is a problem because it doesn’t let people fully speak with one another clearly.
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because they thought that that they would be a great farming