D. Spinal nerves have mixed motor and sensory function.
spinal's nerves are mixed nerves, which means that they carry sensory and motor information. They carry sensory information to the central nervous system to give a motor answer that will travel through the spinal nerves to specific muscles. The White matter, which is peripheral in the spinal cord, contains axons while the gray matter, which is central in the spinal cord, contains cell bodies.
The correct answer is option D, Temporal isolation
Temporal isolation is the mechanism which prevents the mating of closely related species living in the same ecosystem. Basically the reproductive barriers prevent these species from interbreeding. Temporal isolation is a prezygotic barrier that causes “time isolation” between the breeding period of two closely related species. The difference in time could be “difference in time of day”, “ difference in season of mating”, “difference in months” and in some cases “ difference in years”.
The correct answer is chloroplast. If an organism has chloroplasts then it will be an autotroph because it will be able to make its own food by the means of photosynthesis. This is common for plants but there are some bacteria that can photosynthesize as well. If you don't have them you have to feed on other organisms that have energy for you.
the population can increase rapidly when the conditions are favourable
only one parent is needed
it is more time and energy efficient as you don't need a mate
it is faster than sexual reproduction
B. "Telophase"
The chromosomes are at opposite poles, the nuclear envelope is reforming and the cell is getting ready to divide, the next phase is Cytokinesis.
Hope this helped.