Besides producing sugar for itself a plant also needs to absorb nitrogen to build proteins, salts to make concentration gradients and potassium to make enzymes.
Plant sugar is glucose and plants produce it by the process of photosynthesis making use of energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide absorbed from the atmosphere and the presence of chlorophyll in its parts. Plants also require components other than this. Nitrogen is essential to make proteins and it cannot be directly absorbed from the atmosphere but has to be absorbed from the soil.
Potassium is an essential component which is absorbed from the soil. It facilitates the activation of enzymes which play a crucial role in plant metabolism. When plants lack potassium they won’t have enough energy for proper growth and will have poorly formed roots and weak stems.
I just had this answer but it hasn't been graded. I put 1. Meteor impacts, 2. volcanic gases and 5. Milankovitch cycles. I didn't put earthquakes because I wouldn't think it would affect the climate changing since they just affect ground movement.
You need to compare the location of bands for X and X's child. X is the mother, so the child will have half of all its bands from its mother, and the other half must be from the father. Some bands that X and X's child have in common are at around 185bp and 130bp (it is difficult for me to determine the exact position). Then look at the bands which X and X's child do not have in common. Those bands must have come from the father. So now you compare the remaining bands to all the bands of Megabucks and see if they match up. You can see a band at around 60bp that the child has. The mother did not have this band, so it must have come from the father. Megabucks does not have this band, so he is not X's father.
I hope this has helped you a little. The main thing to know is that a child's bands come from their mother and father, so if half the bands match up to the mum, the other half have to match up to some of the father's bands. But a child will never have the same set of bands as one of their parents - it will be a mix of both parents' bands.
one meter is a little bigger than 3 feet
they can not chose to adapt. adaptations occur over a very long period time(darwinism) Evolution is not selective in the sense that the organism being changed can choose.