The conversion of nitrogen can be carried out through both biological and physical processes. Important processes in the nitrogen cycle include fixation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification.
Sympatric speciation
There may be more than one answer here, but concerning speciation, sympatric speciation can't occur because of the geographic isolation (must be living in the same environment for this to occur).
the answer choices were supposed to be
groundwater pollution
methane explosions
their unsightliness
foul odors
Plant cells are the only cells with chloroplasts
Myopia is a phenotype that results from interactions between genetic factors and the environment
A quantitative trait is a polygenic trait that depends on the cumulative effects of many genes and the environment. Some examples of quantitative traits include weight and height. Myopia is a quantitative trait whose phenotype depends on the combined action of different genes and the environment. It has been shown that genetics plays a central role in this trait (myopia), it is for that reason that myopic parents are more likely to have myopic children. However, there also are environmental factors (e.g., diet) which increase the risk to suffer myopia.