Yes, in general it is true that a tenant farmer rents the land on which he or she grows crops, but the deals for this kind of relationship can vary greatly.
Rome continued to decline after that until AD 476 when the western Roman Empire came to an end. The eastern Roman Empire, more commonly known as the Byzantine Empire, survived until the 15th century AD. It fell when Turks took control of its capital city, Constantinople (modern day Istanbul in Turkey) in AD 1453.
As Bookworm83 pointed out already, C nor D couldn't possibly correct, also due to the reason that he was able to come up with the 14 point plan. However, the real answer to your question would be A - he was very shy.
The shyness of Woodrow Wilson has been readily documented in variou sources and is also the reason why it's th ecorrect answer. Overcoming something like shyness was not an easy thing to do for him.
The President in the executive branch can veto a law, but the legislative branch can override that veto with enough votes. The legislative branch has the power to approve Presidential nominations, control the budget, and can impeach the President and remove him or her from office.Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and balances.The branches must both cooperate and compete to enact policy. Each of the branches has the power to check the other two, which ensures that no one branch can become too powerful and that government as a whole is constrained.In theory, the legislative branch is the most powerful because it can override a presidential veto, remove the president from office, begin the process of amending the Constitution, and defund a presidential initiative. In practice, I would say that Congress has become the weakest branch.