In consecutive sentence, the offender will not serve the term at the same time but will finish serving one sentence before starting another.
Arguments consist of propositions, which are statements that are either true or false.
Answer: D) or the fourth option.
Both apocrine and eccrine sweat glands use merocrine secretion, where vesicles in the gland released sweat via exocytosis, leaving the entire cell intact.
Remember, Johnny came from a terrible household. His parents either beat him, or ignored him. If Johnny became crippled, he wouldn't be able to come and go from that house as he pleased, which means he has to stay in that home where he was hated and unwanted.
Here is the excerpt from the novel:
"Even if Johnny did live he'd
be crippled and never play football or help us out in a rumble again. He'd have to stay in
that house he hated, where he wasn't wanted, and things could never be like they used to
be. I didn't trust myself to speak. If I said one word, the hard knot in my throat would
swell and I'd be crying in spite of myself." (Hinton, 87).
Khalil’s shooting and the ongoing investigation of Officer Cruise put the theme of injustice at the forefront of the novel. The fact that Khalil was unarmed and did not threaten the officer makes his murder unjust. The police are unjust at other points, too, such as when they force Maverick to the ground and pat him down. Race is tied into this theme of injustice as well, since pervasive racism prevents African-Americans from obtaining justice. Starr and Maverick in particular are focused on bringing justice not only for Khalil but also for African-Americans and other oppressed groups, such as the poor. The activist group that Starr joins is called Just Us for Justice because it fights against police maltreatment on the basis of race. At the end of the novel, Starr accepts that injustice might continue but reinforces her determination to fight against it.