It basically means you need to make a decision. You're sitting on the fence and can go either way.
A fake clue that distracts from the relevant question at hand
The people of Renaissance Florence, like most city–states of the era, were composed of four social classes: the nobles, the merchants, the tradesmen and the unskilled workers. The nobles lived on large estates outside the city walls. They owned most of the city's land, so the nobles controlled.
Answer: Escusemawh? Gurl/Boy Bakuhoe is very underrated if you ask me and no one asked me so im just sayin.
The answer is: How much does the author want the job?
From Angelous' experience, we learned many lessons, one of the main ones after reading "Occupation: Conductorette” was persistence. If Angelous hadn't gone to the company every day (being persistent) for she wanted so much the job, otherwise, she wouldn't have continued going there after her first visit in which the lady denied that there was help wanted. But her persistency meant, how much did she really wanted the job. You are persistent when you really want something, when you don't, you just stop trying on the first time.