Is your topic general space, stars, the planets, or space phenomenon?
If it's general space, try writing about different feats humanity has made in space exploration. For example, why not write about how America was the first country to put a man in the moon?
If it's the stars, chose a star and write about. For example, there's Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.
If it's about the planets, chose a planet and write about it, and it's ecosystem. For example, Venus, Earth's sister planet, is the hottest planet in our solar system despite not actually being the planet closest to the Sun, because it's sulfur cloud atmosphere traps and mutliplys heat, (like a hyper greenhouse gas effect).
If it's about space phenomenon, try writing about rare instances in space, such as comets, or asteroids. For example, Hailey's Comet is a comet that passes Earth once every 70 years.
Answer:that people gave gifts to the woman getting married
Goodis correct because it modifies the noun chances-Good chances
Willingness to take turns is one way we can express our attitudes through body language. Willingness to take turns is one way we can express our attitudes in nonverbal communication.
Edgar Ayala as he checks his settings on his camera before taking a picture for the yearbook to meet a deadline in the third period.
I hope this helps! Have a wonderful rest of the day! :)