So that they can lower the I2R losses
Necessary Corrections: First Name and Last Name are recorded in incorrect boxes. Scribbles on errors instead of making corrections Does not include information in the SSN or Desired Salary blank Does not list which position she is applying for Has box checked that she has worked for the company, but does not say when For education just wrote “Yes” instead of listing the high school and address Justification: All of this make the applicant appear less professional and hurt her chances of getting hired. She is not following the directions properly, and she is not asking questions so that she can accurately fill out the application.
(I got a 100% so I know its correct)
1. Proper planning
2. Honesty
3. Being reasonable in pricing
4. Knowledge of what you’re offering
5. Being kind/good to your clients
B. A generated report will include all records that a query fetches.