2- Multitasking Multitasking – Multitasking Multitasking is one among the main advantage of computer. ...
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Im twelve but i know something about economics. The more homeless the more free coupons the government give out which the middle and high class pay for. The more people the higher the taxes and inflation causing the middle class to shrink making only rich and poor people. The U.S. then will have more homeless.
Explanation: Larg bwain finking
You can use the Import spreadsheet wizard program.
On the Office ribbon, select the External Data tab and click Excel. The "Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet" wizard appears. In the File name field, browse to the Excel file. Select the "Import the source data into a new table in the current database" option and click OK.
Let me re-write the proposition:
Generally, the number of rows in a truth table depends on the number of Variables. Here we have 3 Variables: p,q and r. Each of them can have either the value of 1 or 0, which gives us 2*2*2 possibilities, or 2³, that is 8 possibilities and 8 rows:
p=0, q=0, r=0
p=0, q=0, r=1
p=0, q=1, r=0
p=0, q=1, r=1
p=1, q=0, r=0
p=1, q=0, r=1
p=1, q=1, r=0
p=1, q=1, r=1