Most soldiers came from the middle and lower classes, and Americans wanted to know more about them.With the onset of industrial and scientific advances, Americans no longer believed in the supernatural.With all of the death and destruction from the war, Americans wanted to escape into an ideal world.Despite the industrial and scientific advances, Americans still believed in the supernatural.
Moishe the Beadle, who is a foreign Jew, is expelled from Sighet (which is in Hungary) and sent to Poland. There, the Gestapo takes over his train and orders Jews to get off and board trucks. They are taken to woods near the Galician forest and told to get out of the trucks and dig deep trenches. Then the Gestapo soldiers order each person to approach the trenches and bear his or her neck, and each person is shot. Babies are tossed into the air and used for target practice. Moishe is able to escape because he was shot in the leg and believed to be dead.
Moishe returns to Sighet to warn the community of the fate that awaits them so that they can prepare. He says, "I wanted to return to Sighet to describe to you my death so that you might ready yourselves while there is still time" (page 7). However, no one in Sighet believes him, and they think he is insane. They do not heed his warning.
So you sound smart and it flows well
Malnutrition occurs When the body does not get enough nutrients, it can cause physical and mental problems plus increase health risks. This happens when the person doesn’t eat enough or can’t absorb the needed nutrients.
mal is bad/nutrition is the vitamins and minerals/ proteins you need in order to have a well functioning body.
Digital dictionary meaning;
1. noun
lack of proper nutrition; inadequate or unbalanced nutrition.
C. repetitive
Hope i helped!