B. Allows for specialized regions with specialized functions
Where the complete digestive system has different specialized regions to perform specialized functions, the gastrovascular cavity is the primary organ of digestion and circulation in two major animal phyla: the Cnidaria (including jellyfish and corals) and Platyhelminthes (flatworms).
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The correct answer is option (d) that is dizygotic twins.
The dizygotic twins also known as non-identical twins or fraternal twins, that is, two siblings who come from distinct eggs or ova, which are discharged at the similar time from an ovary and are fertilized by different sperm.
When osteocytes were experimentally destroyed, the bones showed a significant increase in bone resorption, decreased bone formation, trabecular bone loss, and loss of response to unloading. ... The osteocyte is an important regulator of bone mass and a key endocrine regulator of phosphate metabolism.