Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere
ummmmmm where is the text or anwsers?
After the slavery was abolished in the south, the type of
cheap labor that the plantations rely on is through sharecropping. This is
considered to be a form of agriculture in which the tenant has been allowed by
a landowner in using his or her land but in exchange of sharing the crops that
the tenants produced on the land.
During 1200-1450, Mali, a big empire in west Africa flourished. Timbuktu, a city in this empire had a huge library with tens of thousands of books. This library provided their empire a lot of wealth. During 1400-1750, during the Atlantic slave trade, millions of African people, mostly men and some women, were transported to South America via the Atlantic Ocean. The rulers of West Africa negotiated with European rulers to send off their Africans. In exchange, the Europeans gave them silver which boosted the wealth in their economy.
Muslims pray toward the city called Mecca