A goal directed behavior is repeatedly performed in particular contexts.
This is the condition that would most likely lead to the formation of habits. A habit is formed when we are used to performing the same action over and over again, in particular contexts and as a method to reach a goal. Having a goal at the end of the process can make us feel more motivated, and thus more likely to continue developing this habit.
Here's my thought and hopefully its right, False
scapegoat theory
scapegoat theory states that the dominant group would displace its unfocused aggression onto a subordinate group.
Vince's claim is a way of showing certainty. It is an expression of which a person has a total belief of something and he or she would likely believe that is going to happen for sure. It could be seen above as Vince expresses his words in a way that he is sure that he would be married without using words that he is uncertain but instead he is sure of it.