According to the given description, Ron is a laggard.
Answer: Option C
Every individual in this world has a unique personality. Some people adapt and learn quickly whereas others are slow in learning and changing their behavior according to the surrounding. In the present situation, Ron is a laggard as he is very slow in adopting new ideas.
He is not very comfortable in changing what and how he thinks about any product or idea. He lacks a progressive attitude and that is a reason why people fall behind others in their lives when they resist any change.
The personal strength that enables people to cope with stress and recover from adversity is called:resilience.The term resilience denotes the ability people can recover after deformation caused especially by compressive stress. It is the adaptation in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or stress.
the answer is (the one in the middle) Last winter, we went to Florida and visited Miami, Orlando, and many other cities.
Because it is the only scentence that is correctly capitalized.
not sure if this helps but I hope it does
sorry its so long
To date erosion scientists have failed to address — or have addressed inadequately — some of the ‘big questions’ of our discipline. For example, where is erosion occurring? Why is it happening, and who is to blame? How serious is it? Who does it affect? What should be the response? Can we prevent it? What are the costs of erosion? Our inability or reluctance to answer such questions damages our credibility and is based on weaknesses in commonly-used approaches and the spatial and temporal scales at which much research is carried out. We have difficulty in the recognition, description and quantification of erosion, and limited information on the magnitude and frequency of events that cause erosion. In particular there has been a neglect of extreme events which are known to contribute substantially to total erosion. The inadequacy and frequent misuse of existing data leaves us open to the charge of exaggeration of the erosion problem (a la Lomborg).
Models need to be developed for many purposes and at many scales. Existing models have proved to be of limited value, in the real as opposed to the academic world, both because of problems with the reliability of their results, and difficulties (with associated costs) of acquiring suitable data. However, there are some positive signs: models are now being developed for purposes including addressing questions of off-site impacts and land-use policy. Cheap, reliable and technically simple methods of erosion assessment at the field scale are needed. At the global scale, an up-date of GLASOD based on a scientific approach is urgent so that we are at least able to identify erosion ‘hotspots’.
In terms of explanation of erosion, the greatest need is for a full recognition of the importance of socio-economic drivers. The accession of new countries to the EU with different economic and land-use histories emphasises this need. Too often we have left people, especially the farmers, out of the picture. Our approach could be characterised as ‘data-rich and people-poor’.
Answer: market
President Kim B. Clark is an economist, he was born on the 20th of March 1949 in Utah, United States of America. He was the dean of Harvard Business school and, the the fifteenth (15th) President of Brigham Young University.
President Kim B. Clark is a Professor with many awards, one of them was award given to him in the year 1994 for the best paper published in Business history.
According to him, Kim B. Clark, he said we rely MARKET to solve problems in society. That is we rely on economy, how things are bought and sold.