These three countries have for the most part collectivist
societies and culture.
Conformity is a sort of social impact including an
adjustment in conviction or conduct keeping in mind the end goal to fit in with
a gathering. This change is because of genuine (including the physical nearness
of others) or envisioned (including the weight of social standards/desires) group
retroactive interference.
interference that occurs when material learned later disrupts the retrieval of material learn earlier.
The restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.
Cuba and the United States have a close history that is characterized by conflict.
Cuba is a former colony of the Spanish Crown and it first gained its independence after the Spanish American war in 1898. In the years following the war, Cuba was subject to US military rule, but it gained formal independence in 1902. This however made it so the Cuban economy became dominated by American capital. The number of sugar estates owned by Americans soared so that by 1905 Americans owned nearly 10% of Cuba's total land area. At independence, American companies controlled what little industry there was in Cuba taking 80% of Cuba's ore exports. Americans also owned the sugar refineries and factories where they made cigarettes. This control and close involvement and investment in the Cuban economy grew up until the Cuban Revolution in 1959.
The variety of climatic zones on a mountain are due primarily to differences in rainfall created by the rainshadow effect and relief rainfall. The mountain acts as a barrier to moving air causing it to rise. As the air rises it cools and condenses to form clouds and rainfall on one side of the mountain. As the air rises and starts to descend down the other side of the mountain, it is drier, producing less rainfall on this side. The side receiving rainfall is called the windward side and the side getting little rain is the leeward side.