The acidity level of water is measured by the pH scale. Pure water has a pH of 7, which is neutral. However, natural rainwater actually has a pH of 5.6 because it gets exposed to the gases in the atmosphere, making it a bit acidic. True acid rain will have a pH level measuring from 5.0-5.5.
Fiscal policy refers to the use of the government budget to affect the economy. ... Generally, expansionary policy leads to higher budget deficits, and contractionary policy reduces deficits. An expansionary fiscal policy leads to higher budget deficits while a contractionary policy reduces deficits
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answer: 2) sequence of building blocks of a protein found in a cell.
Just random FYI:
- it is a mutation, that is generally not looked upon as being severe or detrimental to the person
-by changing the base by either adding or deleting from a protein strand will cause the protein to be useless
-frameshift mutation deals with DNA sequence being shifted. For example: a DNA strand looks like a ladder. If one of the rungs on the ladders gets skipped and the next ladder rung gets the code that the previous rung should have gotten, then that is what a frameshift mutation is. Hopefully that makes sense. It's easier to explain if there was a picture.
there are other types of mutation but I won't get into them.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
Hey there,
There are only 2 genders. This is easily proved by science, and it i biologically impossible to change your gender or sex!