The answers are:
a. biology - comes from the Greek ''bios'' which means ''life'', and ''logia'' which means ''study of''.
b. physics - comes from the Greek ''physike'' which means ''knowledge of nature''.
c. geography - comes from the Greek ''geographia'' which means ''earth description''.
d. algebra - comes from the Arabic ''al-jabr'' which means ''reunion of broken parts''.
e. philosophy - comes from the Greek ''philosphia'' which means ''love of wisdom''.
To connect to our communities: The 13 colonies were the basis of the first states that made up America. ... The struggle to resist tyrannical efforts by the British Parliament would lead to the American Revolution, which yielded the Constitution of the United States and other important documents and principles.
Gerald Ford
Ford has the distinction of being the first, and to date the only person to serve as president without being elected
as a one-branch federal government with three basic power as a three-branch federal government with one basic power
as one-branch state governments with three basic powers
as three-branch state governments with one basic power
Brick and Morton is simply another way of saying public school. so if you go to public school then you.