In pharmaceutical products manufacturing, quality assurance is something that is not played with. It entails the entirety and totality of all arrangement made to ensure that products are of the highest quality required for usage. This includes its packaging as if a person willing to take a drug sees that its name is overlapping, it can lead to a sense of distrust for such drug and hospital at large, hence it is important for Sylvano never to administer such medication because it goes against quality standards and have the potential of putting a wrong meaning about the drug in the minds of people.
Explanation: Drug administration has rights and rules guilding it,every drug must have a clear label showing the the mode of action,dosage, indications, contraindications,adverse effects and precautions clearly stated inorder to avoid administering the wrong drug to a patient or make any mistake regarding precautions following drug administration.
To this end,Sylvano should not administer the medication to avoid causing any problem for himself,the client and the hospital.