#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
while(1) {
int temp;
std::cout << "\nEnter a number: ";std::cin>>temp;
if(temp<0) {
std::cout << "\nEven number(s) is/are:\n---------------------\n";
for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++) {
if(v.at(i)%2==0) std::cout << v[i] << " ";
else continue;
std::cout << std::endl;
}else {
return 0;
dependent variable -- As it depends on the other variables, changes when they change
Answer: The role of a public relations manager is to keep the image of a celebrity, politician, ect. good so that they can keep their career going while constantly in the eye of the public. Public figures may find this useful because it can help them keep their record clean and have a personal life while also making it seem like they are perfect people to their audience, which in hand can help with business.
event based and time based
OTP tokens come in two types: event-based (HOTP) and time-based (TOTP). Event-based OTP tokens generate new codes at the press of the button and the code is valid until it is used by the application. Time-based OTP tokens generate codes that are valid only for a certain amount of time (eg, 30 or 60 seconds), after which a new code must be generated
% here x and y is given which we can take as
x = 2:2:10;
y = 2:2:10;
% creating a matrix of the points
point_matrix = [x;y];
% center point of rotation which is 2,2 here
x_center_pt = x(2);
y_center_pt = y(2);
% creating a matrix of the center point
center_matrix = repmat([x_center_pt; y_center_pt], 1, length(x));
% rotation matrix with rotation degree which is 45 degree
rot_degree = pi/4;
Rotate_matrix = [cos(rot_degree) -sin(rot_degree); sin(rot_degree) cos(rot_degree)];
% shifting points for the center of rotation to be at the origin
new_matrix = point_matrix - center_matrix;
% appling rotation
new_matrix1 = Rotate_matrix*new_matrix;
We start the program by taking vector of the point given to us and create a matrix by adding a scaler to each units with repmat at te center point which is (2,2). Then we find the rotation matrix by taking the roatational degree which is 45 given to us. After that we shift the points to the origin and then apply rotation ans store it in a new matrix called new_matrix1.