You can simplify the problem down by recognizing that you just need to keep track of the integers you've seen in array that your given. You also need to account for edge cases for when the array is empty or the value you get would be greater than your max allowed value. Finally, you need to ensure O(n) complexity, you can't keep looping for every value you come across. This is where the boolean array comes in handy. See below -
public static int solution(int[] A)
int min = 1;
int max = 100000;
boolean[] vals = new boolean[max+1];
if(A.length == 0)
return min;
//mark the vals array with the integers we have seen in the A[]
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
if(A[i] < max + 1)
vals[A[i]] = true;
//start at our min val and loop until we come across a value we have not seen in A[]
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++)
if(vals[i] && min == i)
else if(!vals[i])
if(min > max)
return max;
return min;
I want to take this time to discuss a few expectations and helpful information about how to participate in the weekly online discussions. You can scroll down the page or use the links here to navigate to each section. All Discussions can be found by clicking on the Discussions link located on the left-hand side of the course.
Participation in the discussion forums is critical for maximizing student learning in this course, both because your participation is graded and because it's a chance to engage in a dialogue about course material. In this course, students are required to be a part of an online community of learners who collectively interact, through discussion, to enhance and support the professional performance of each other. Part of the assessment criteria for the course includes evaluating the quality and quantity of your participation in the discussion forum.
The TAS will facilitate student discussions, although they likely will not address every single post. In most cases, they might share a related idea, intervene when the discussion goes off-track, or tie student comments together to help deepen student learning. Remember, if you have a specific question, pose
Dism because it is used to change and service programs