Answer:the opposite of discipline
I believe television is more effective than radio because, television provide a visual image of certain things, and people find visuals more appealing and favorite more than listening to someone speaking. The images tend to capture the mind of the viewer causing them to be more attracted to a certain thing, causing it to have a greater influence on public opinion. For example, If Pepsi chose to create an advertisement in a radio by just simply stating that it's refreshing and saying that you should buy it. But Coca Cola chose to make an ad on TV by showing people enjoying the drink by the pool in a summer day, you are more likely to chose Coke because it appealed to you more than Pepsi. So I think that's why Television is more effective in influencing public opinion than a radio.
Hope this helps you
I personally think the Senate should be elected and that it is to stay that way. Government would be too powerful since the source of it's power is The People. If the people cannot directly vote and just have to watch as they're chosen in front of them, they might have to overthrow the "tyranny".
"Voters have elected their senators in the privacy of the voting booth since 1913. The framers of the Constitution, however, did not intend senators to be elected in this way and included in Article I, section 3, "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote." The election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention established the precedent for state selection. The framers believed that in electing senators, state legislatures would cement their tie with the national government, which would increase the chances for ratifying the Constitution. They also expected that senators elected by state legislatures would be able to concentrate on the business at hand without pressure from the populace," as it says in
This means that Senate is usually elected. They should stay it that way- it's as if changing an amendment, which would be a long and stressful process. Which means it will never happen. The People are the source of the government's power and they should stay as it otherwise the US' gov't may be seen as too powerful.
Answer: Working Memory
Working memory is the part of mind that holds the information on temporary basis so that it can further process it for cognitive tasks. Management of this memory is done to helps in carrying out acts like reasoning, decision making, learning etc.It records the span of memory such as noting numbers ,words,items etc.
According to the question, Barisa has remembered the phone number of Gina due to transferring the number from working memory to the permanent memory .Working memory has stored number temporarily and it passes to permanent memory for long term storage of information.