They are both are types of explanations.
Answer: The means for transmission of disease-causing microorganism is provided by the direct or indirect contact.
Microorganisms can cause disease only once they are transferred to the body. The disease causing microorganisms are termed as pathogens which are transmitted by several ways such as from skin to skin, by nuclei droplets, through blood and body fluids or via air. In vector transmissions the disease is carried by the parasitic insects via animals, air borne transmission occurs when microorganisms move through air or the dust particles, droplet transmission occurs by coughing, sneezing or talking by the person who is infected while indirect transmission occurs by physical contact or by touching contaminated objects.
D. A periodic warming of sea surface temperatur
Loggerhead turtles and Humboldt squids normally lives in the south coast of Mexican. These animals are sensitive to temperature. Due to warming waters during El Niño events, these animals migrated toward the North (coast of California).
PS: In the tropical eastern Pacific, if the sea temperatures rise 0.5 °C above the long-term average, the condition is declared as El Niño.
The miRNA functions as a guide by base-pairing with target mRNA to negatively regulate its expression.
Whereas, CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. Its many potential applications include correcting genetic defects, treating and preventing the spread of diseases and improving crops.